Practice Areas

Nobody believes they will be involved a serious automobile accident – until it happens to them or a loved one. Yet, statistically speaking, it is likely that EVERYONE will be affected by an auto accident in their lifetime. For those injured in a serious car accident, it can often be a minefield to try and obtain financial compensation for pain and suffering.


Bicyclists are very exposed on the street. Operators of bicycles often cannot see their surroundings clearly, leaving them vulnerable to sudden accidents and serious injuries. Luckily some bicyclists leave the scene of an accident with minor injuries. But those are the very rare cases. In most instances, bicycle operators sustain significant fractures, herniations, abrasions, lacerations, and other injuries, often requiring surgery, that are both painful and life changing.


One of the most dangerous places, for even the most careful person, is the construction site. Equipment can malfunction. Required safety devices may fail and, in some cases, may not be properly provided. If you were injured while “on the job,” you will, in all likelihood, be eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits. However, while this program may cover most of your medicals and some of your lost wages, it will almost certainly not provide enough money for all of the damages you may have sustained.


One of the most frightening types of injuries is that which is sustained by a dog bite. Victims of these vicious dog attacks are all too often maimed, scarred, or severely injured in a single moment. The mental and physical toll from vicious dog bite injuries can be excruciating and permanent. Many times, dog bite injuries need multiple surgeries to repair the damage, if the damage can be repaired at all.


Motorcycles have a severe disadvantage on the road. Just by nature of their size, they can fall into the blind spots of many types of cars, especially the SUV. Many times drivers are in a rush and don’t bother to check their mirrors and/or blinds spots when changing lanes or turning. Some motorcyclists are lucky and leave the scene of an accident with minor injuries. Those are the very rare cases. In most instances, motorcyclists sustain sustain significant fractures, herniations, abrasions, lacerations, and other injuries, often requiring surgery, that are both painful and life changing.


Navigation through the legal system for a pedestrian accident can be difficult. It is important to leave such an important process to a professional who knows how to make and process a claim, efficiently and expeditiously, and knows how to negotiate your case to settlement or trial successfully.


Many clients that have come to The Sachs Firm, initially believe that they don’t have a case. Very often they are wrong. Brian Sachs can help you determine whether the accident that occurred to you or to a loved one is a significant injury case. Click here for some examples of incidences that could result in a case against a negligent party.


Everyone stumbles from time to time. Usually, nothing more is bruised than our ego. Occasionally, however, a person can sustain a significant or traumatic injury from falling. It is not uncommon to fracture an ankle, leg, wrist, or other extremity when tripping or slipping on a roadway, sidewalk, or even the local supermarket. Knees, wrists, or shoulders can often be twisted so severely that the ligaments can tear requiring significant surgery to repair.


There is no more tragic event than the death of a loved one. The grief and, in some cases, anger can be overwhelming. The pain is often especially magnified if the loss of a loved one is due to the negligence or recklessness of another. Wrongful death cases can result from virtually any type of personal injury action including automobile cases, medical malpractice, or construction cases.


Worker’s Compensation Laws have become increasingly complicated over the last few years. Companies protect themselves by labeling employees as independent contractors, part time workers, or a myriad of other designations. Do you qualify for benefits? Our firm works with numerous attorneys that handle workers’ compensation claims exclusively to ensure that your rights are protected.

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