Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s Compensation Laws have become increasingly complicated over the last few years. Companies protect themselves by labeling employees as independent contractors, part time workers, or a myriad of other designations. Do you qualify for benefits? Our firm works with numerous attorneys that handle workers’ compensation claims exclusively to ensure that your rights are protected.

If you are hurt while in the course of your employment, Workers’ Compensation provides benefits in the form of reimbursed wages and/or medical care. Weekly wage benefits and medical care are paid by the employer’s insurance carrier, as directed by the Workers’ Compensation Board. In addition, you may be entitled to an additional cash payout for loss of use of a body part according to a loss schedule.

Are you protected if you can return to work but your injury prevents you from earning the same wages you did before your injury? Do you qualify for light duty? Can the employer fire you because of an inability to work? It is important to make sure all of your rights and benefits are protected.

Additionally, you may also be entitled to file claims against a third party whose negligence may have contributed to your injury or illness. For example, who is responsible if you are driving a truck for your employer and someone else causes an auto accident in which you are injured? How are your medical bills paid? What about lost wages? Who compensates you for your injury? Call our firm today at 1-888-SACHSLAW (1-888-722-4752) so that we may help determine whether you have a valid workers’ compensation claim and if that claim should also be attributed to a third party. Remember, all consultations are FREE!

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